Fan Registration Name First Last PhoneEmail(Required) Age(Required) 13 or over Under 13 If under 13 your parent/guardian will need to complete a consent form. I would like to participate in the $1,000 Pickem Challenge for Season 3 Yes No Select the team you cheer for: The Mystique Maplewooders Shed Rats Road Trippers Grounders The 2010ers Stumps Socks Loft Lodgers Cellar Dwellers Do you have the Shedball Mystique? I have made the crowd noise with my mouth after making a game winning shot alone in my driveway. I have hosted an impromptu press conference after a pickup game. Even the word tournament or bracket makes my heart beat a little faster. I have created a sport out of the things lying around and created a tournament with it. Yes, but I’m more of a Bill Belichick type that would rather not get too cute in my answer. No choose the best answer if multiple answers apply to youEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.